Swiss GAAP FER 30
– Consolidated financial statements

Project description

The project aims at reviewing the necessity of a revision of Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements”. This phase was completed in the mid-2018 and the commission decided to revise Swiss GAAP FER 30. In the course of the review process, the general public was consulted. The deadline for submissions was 31 March 2018. The questionnaire is available either in German or French. Please select the according language if you would like to read them.

Current project status

At its 79th session the Commission approved the consultation draft of the recommendation “consolidated financial statements”. The consultation was open from September 1st until December 31st 2021. Further submissions will not be considered. The consultation draft and the consultation questionnaire are available on the German and French websites of Swiss GAAP FER.

Reasons for the revision

Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements” should be revised on the topics of actuality, completeness, and relevance. The comprehensiveness of the regulations and the potential misuse should also be an object of revision. The revision should enlist the various interest groups (users according to their firm size/ industry, readers of financial statements, regulators, etc). Furthermore, relevant fields that have not yet been regulated should be identified and evaluated.

Composition of the working group

The working group takes into account various stakeholder groups and has been composed to include a broad variety of interests. In addition to users of different company sizes, members of the working group include regulators, association representatives, auditors, an analyst, and an actuary are part of the working group.

The working group is chaired by Mr. Patrick Balkanyi, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the FER Foundation.

Please address any questions to Mr. Patrick Balkanyi, Member of the Executive Committee / Project Manager “Swiss GAAP FER 30–Consolidated financial statements”, Birchstrasse 160, CH-8050 Zurich, Tel: +41 58 792 26 76, Email:


Comparison of existing version (2012) vs. revised version (2022)

Questions & feedback

Project state

  1. Judicial review / project evaluation (Phase I) (done)
  2. Creation of first draft (done)
  3. Discussion and revision of draft (done)
  4. Completion and enacting of draft (done)
  5. Consultation (done)
  6. Revision of consulted draft (done)
  7. Enactment and implementation of recommendation (done)