Size criteria for the application of core FER

Smaller organisations that do not exceed two of the following criteria in two consecutive years can confine themselves to the application of the core FER:

CHF 10,000,000

balance sheet total

CHF 20,000,000

annual sales revenue

50 positions

full-time on annual average

Groups of organisations

Groups of organisations have to additionally apply Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements”. This standard consists of all regulations related to consolidation. Small groups of organisations (according to the size criteria in Swiss GAAP FER 1 “Basics”) must comply with the core FER and Swiss GAAP FER 30 while groups of medium size must comply with core FER, further FER and Swiss GAAP FER 30.

Listed public companies

Listed companies are also required to comply with Swiss GAAP FER 31 “Complementary recommendation for listed companies”. The exclusive application of core FER is not permitted for listed companies.